Posts Tagged ‘digital media’

Here Today. Gone Tomorrow

August 24, 2008

I guess we could relate this phrase to alot of things in our life, but for the purpose of this discussion I will talk about the evolving world of technology.  Over the years, the Internet and the World Wide Web has made it easier and faster to connect and communicate with the world.  This has made older, traditional forms of communication pretty much obsolete.  Has anybody written a handwritten letter lately?  Probably not.  Nobody has time these days to spend writing a letter when they can simply type an email or send an e-card.  Oh wait, email is considered old school now too. 

Text messaging, Instant messaging and chat rooms are certainly more efficient and have faster response.  Even these newer forms of technology are slowly fading as more innovative tools become available for use.  Today, I can go to more exciting and personalized places such as MySpace or Facebook to socialize. 

New digital media has made it possible for me to access information and to communicate in whatever way I choose.  Blogs, podcasting, online games, and videos are becoming the mainstream today.  Tomorrow, maybe not.  Our lives continuously change and technology must also to accomodate our needs.  Today we are talking to the digital consumer, tomorrow should we say digital native?